Poznati egiptolog Zahi Havas objavio je otkriće „Izgubljenog zlatnog grada“, rekavši da je ovo mesto otkriveno u blizini Luksora, poznatog po Dolini kraljeva, hramovima Karnak, Luksor i velikoj egipatskoj kraljici Hatšepsut.Pročitaj više
This year, Egypt, with its capital Cairo, is hosting an unusual parade. It is the "Golden Parade of the Pharaohs", during which 22 mummies, 18 pharaohs and 4 queens will be transferred from the old Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square to the new museum, the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC).Pročitaj više
2000 years after her death, the tomb of Queen Cleopatra may be at the hands of an Egyptologist archaeologist. The excavation is carried out at the site of Taposiris Magna, 60 miles from Cairo, in the hope that the secret of the last pharaoh of Egypt will finally be revealed.Pročitaj više